Adventures Ahoy, Passion Demanded

Daily Prompt: Tagline

Often, our blogs have taglines. But what if humans did, too? What would your tagline be?

One of the biggest jokes among friends and family is how many different things I get involved with, how many projects I am working on, and how many adventures (big and small) seem to happen in my life.  That’s because I have an insatiable need to try need to try new things and always  be learning or creating something.  When I utter the words “You know we could….” or “Why not try …..” or “How about ….” my family rolls their eyes and say to themselves, “That’s Robine for you.”

This last weekend is a perfect example of that passion for doing things.  Three lovely days off work, filled with adventures small and large.   Friday  morning Bob and I slept in until 6:30 am.  It felt lovely and we followed it with breakfast at Allan’s Alley.  Since Kate had spent the night at Grandmothers, it felt like a special treat date, only Bob and I.  Came home and had my friend, Marianne come on over.  It was great seeing her, always a joy to find out about her grandsons and various adventures in her life.  Plus we got to sit outside in Charlies Shack and watch bluebirds creating a nest.

The afternoon demonstrated how I am willing to change plans as needed to accommodate different adventures.  Of course, Adventure is  how you define it.  In this case, instead of working on an art project, I enjoyed cooking some exotic dishes.  In the afternoon, I had planned to work on my macrame wall hanging light project.  But instead ended up cooking.  Made the BEST chocolate cake in the world–Mattie Ann’s Bachelor Bait Cake.   Found the recipe several years ago in the NY Times.  This chocolate cake is rich in flavor, but not sweet.  Although better with the chocolate Ganache, this cake as a great way to use some of the frosting left over from my Equinox celebration at work — the one where I ended up with a butterfly painted across my face.  Also got to try a new recipe for barbeque sauce and since our server went down while I was cooking, couldn’t see the recipe.  Therefore I made it up the sauce based on what I remembered from reading a variety of on-line recipes.  It turned out good, but I don’t think I will ever be able to fully replicate it .

Saturday morning, I woke up in Charlies outside shanty having moved outside to the cot during the middle of the night.  Since I wake up and am awake for a long period of time, Bob never worries when I am not in bed in the morning.  Hot and restless at 2 am, the quiet stillness of the morning lets me do yoga, watch stars, or simply relax in the early morning quiet stillness.  Having a cot outside lets Sophia, my constant companion come join me in the star gazing.  But Saturday morning, I had the added benefit of watching the bluebirds wake up and stick their heads out from the hole in the box.  Actually I don’t know if the birds sleep in the box or not, but it seems much more romantic if they did.

Saturday was a lovely day -0 lots of small adventures and joys.  Breakfast with family.  Lunch with Bob.  Finished the macrame portion of my newest lamp project and spent a few hours reading a novel.  Even did a bit of cleaning in my art studio and began planning an all day sewing adventure for next weekend.  Mary is rolling her eyes at the thought of me coming to her house for the day to make skirts.  It’s the possible mess I can make that bothers her.  But she will get at least one new skirt with pleats and a pockets from that adventure.

And Sunday was the grandest adventure of them all.  I got another sailing lesson.  Hard work, I am now getting very good at jibing and tacking and sending the boom across the boat way too fast.  That is not good for those of you who are not sailors.  But with some practice, I eventually will get the hang of sailing.  Darn, Bob probably will complete the class before me since he has been approved for checkout and I am slated for at least one more lesson.   But it was great fun, I did not get badly sunburned, and I got a great photo of a seagull.  You don’t often see a gull sitting in a swimming pool.


As you can see from the post, I do have lots of small adventures.  There is always something new to try, something wonderful to experience, and something great to be shared with family.  Even if they roll their eyes at my newest ideas or proposed adventures.  Living a life of passion is why my tagline is “Adventures Ahoy, Passion Demanded”.

Author: Heres to ART not Cockroaches

Welcome to my life. My life as a mom is changing as the kids grow up, leave home, and build their own lives. This gives me a chance to rebuild myself as an artist, develop a spiritual path, and most fun of all, start going out on dates with my husband. Come here the stories about the small things in life that can make one very happy. Dogs running on a beach, great breakfast dates, kids and their adventures, and my own adventures in this wacky life. I'll share some of my progress in learning art while juggling a full time job as an engineer. And best of all, it's a chance for me to practice writing stories while keeping in touch with my kids. I look forward to hearing from you. Comments, thoughts, and invitations to meet for coffee are all welcomed. Enjoy the stories.

3 thoughts on “Adventures Ahoy, Passion Demanded”

  1. Your enthusiasm and passion for life are so refreshing and inspiring! Great blog entry. I loved Bob’s photograph of the bluebirds nesting last blog entry. I love your voracious appetite for life! It is infectious.

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