Mad Hatters Hat Stand

Daily Prompt: Roy G. Biv
Write about anything you’d like, but make sure that all seven colors of the rainbow — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet — make an appearance in the post, either through word or image.

For the last month, I have been obsessively working on an art project called the Mad Hatters Hat Stand.  Now it didn’t start with that title nor was it expected to be as complex a project.  I thought this would be a simple lets put together a structure and show how LEDs can be used in sculptures.   Along the way, I have met with some very interesting problems–challenges that have to be answered artistically.  First attempt was to use commercial LED’s within a tree structure.  No problem except I ruined the LED wiring by bending it too much.  The fact I had a flawed approach to masking, spray paint, and then removing the masking might also had something to do with ruining a set of cheap chinese LED’s.

Second round, different approach.  Create the structure and then add in lights.  Ok, can do.  A piece of old fir scrap lumber became a base.  Two cheap candy jars from the dollar store, sprayed with mirror paint became the structure for holding the lights.  An unfinished box from Bob’s projects added interest.  And a structure created with popsicle sticks, masking tape, bamboo skewers, cardboard and left over rope pieces became the led structure. 

Added paper mache and voila, I had a hat.  Not originally planned as a hat, but that’s OK.  I can use it.  But the hat was large, heavy, and not balanced well.  Also the LED lights were too bright to look at, they needed to be masked.  Plus some holes had to be drilled  into the glass (new skill here) for power cords and other electronic stuff.  Had some ribbon that look beautiful against the dark gold spray paint, but not enough.  So Ibegged a friend to give me the remainder of her very expensive ribbon rolls.  Notice how different the hat looks with paper mache, spray paint, and ribbon.

Also began looking at adding in some other pieces so LED lights could sparkle.  The black glass cat didn’t work although Charlie thought it might be a fine addition.  The glass mouse my dad brought back from Sweden sometime during the 1970’s will be gorgeous with LED’s and gold ribbon.

At this point, was hopeful I could get the sculpture donein time  for submission to the del mar faire, fine art competition.  Deadline for photos is April 24th.  So I took a day off work which turned out to be a kind of shitty day.  First, Sophia disapeared.  That dammed cat did not come home for 24 hours.  And we knew when she disapeeared–sometime between 5:30 and7:00 pm on tuesday night.  Kate saw her outside waiting for me.  Sophia has been doing that for the last 12 years of my life, waiting outside under a bush in almost all kinds of weather except pouring rain  for me to come home.  But last tuesday she was not there.  Wednesday morning she was not there.  And I was kind of depressed about her being gone.  

During the day, I ruined another set of electronics  by breaking the cheap chinese wiring in the power supply.  Eventually went to Frys with the intention of buying very expensive LED light strips for this project.  But that packagge had no instructions and some mysterious parts.  It got returned and now I plan on ordering more expensive lights elsewhere.  Also on this day off , Bob had to visit the doctor.   More antibiotics for his infection which besides being worrisome, put hims in a bad mood.  And it takes hours to get all these things done.  But the good news at the end of hte day was that Sophia did come home. Which made me happy.  And by the end of the day, it was obvious I was not going to finish in time for submission to the fair, so a deadline disapeared.  Less pressure although I WANT to get this sculpture finished.  I am very eager to see the finished piece.

On Sunday, began working on a new base for the lamp.  Since the hat is heavy, I need to add weight at the bottom.  Otherwise the lamp will fall over.  In the scrap box, there was a piece of really heavy dark rough wood.  Perhaps walnut.  The piece cost 12 dollars 25 or 39 years ago, would hate to buy it now.  It is so hard, I will have trouble getting it sanded down to perfect smoothness.  And as we clean up the wood, Bob is thinking it might also make a great table.  Who knows, I will figure it out over the next couple of weeks.

Finishing projects — a good feeling

One of the great things about the last long weekend was an opportunity to finish a couple art projects. And get several more closer to completion. Last year, I started several paper mache sculptures. On Sunday, I got two of them finished. Both are gift boxes, a good thing since I’m not happy with my modeling skills. This year, the results would have been much finer. But either box will be fun to give away, far better than a gift bag.



The purple vase will fantastic with some yellow tissue paper. It was made using a balloon as the starting structure. I should make some more like that — easy, quick, and fun. Fantastic containers, they look really impressive with a birthday cake. The second box depicts old ruins in Italy. The hand is supposed to have come from a large sculpture, now in ruins. Don’t know if I’ll give that one away or not. It might be nice to use it while planning for our next european trip.

Finally, also got a piece of iron finished. Kate’s plaque is nice and shiny. This was a good learning experience. Halfway through scratching out the wolf / cat, I realize that I should have scratched around the figure. Instead, the animal drops into the background. But I got the letters correct.



Bob just brought breakfast, so I’ll tell you about the other almost finished projects later. Have a great day.

Cages, Gardens, Friends, and Kids

cages for college students
Captured College Students Dec 2011

Today was a great day.  Did lots of good things and  even made progress on my paper mache projects.  But was having a hard time thinking about a blog post.  why, I’m not sure.   No, I know why, because writing the blog post is like getting ready for bed.  It’s the end of the day and I’m finishing things up.  Don’t want to finish things up; it was a 3 day weekend; but I want MORE TIME.  Always want more time even though I do enjoy work.  And that is a wonderful thing.  If I hated my job; life would be horrible.

So I went looking for blog inspiration and found it in a couple of great places.  First was Maggie’s blog at  Saw that she had a great time and was going to bed.  I’m glad to hear that; I want to hear the details.  But how can I expect her to provide details if I don’t do my part and write back?  It is interesting this method of communication.  Both of us are basically writing for ourselves as well as others.  It’s a reflection on the good parts of our day for the most part.  But I’ve seen lots of pop psychology that says you should look at the good parts of every day; how can you understand what is good without looking at the good parts.  Anyway, I like Maggie’s post and so I write my own. They make me happy as well, I’m a writer something that has taken me years to accept.

The second inspiration was looking at my collection of blog photos.  These are a collection of really interesting events and photos which I’m going to use as a cheat.  When I don’t know what to say or am too tired (usually Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights); then you’ll get  a photo.  Today your lucky; you get a photo and a blog post.  The picture from last December shows a group of college students (Maggie, Josh, Ping and Liz) who made a geodesic dome for me from newspaper.  This was going to be a Middle school project for my engineering club.  But we never got to that project. Instead, the four kids — no strike that — the four young adults had a wonderful evening figuring out how to make a clubhouse from newspaper and staples.  Note that I had done the rolling of the little rods earlier.  It still took them 1.5 hours to make the clubhouse.  And there in the photo you see them all.

By the way, I ran into Kathy Sims; the front desk lady at Vista Magnet Middle School.  She said the engineering club was a great success this year despite my absence.  Evidently the parents like running it and there are a couple of young science teachers (Mr. McGreggor and a new one) who like the idea of having club that supplements science class. Since NGC gives a grant with minimal strings (i.e. has to be spent in engineering club on engineering related stuff); they get to play.  It’s not hard to justify projects; successful or unsuccessful.  The real key is learning by doing something.

Well this morning, I got to play at being the leader for my local Labyrinth group.  We met at 9 am to do the gardening needed to keep the labyrinth nice.  It was fun, I like this group of people.  They are friendly, warm, and accepting.  You don’t need to pass a morality or ideology test to be accepted.  I was surprised when Peggy asked me to cover for her.  One of the nice things about this group is that I don’t have to be a leader.  But I was flattered and pleased.  On reflection, I think she was telling me that I am accepted as a member of the group and could rely on me to be there.  Amazing considering I’ve only been to a couple of her events.  But sometimes you just know when things are working well.  I’ve met some great people who probably will become good friends over time. One person, Marianne, would like to make a large garden paper mache elephant with me.  That sounds like fun — something we can do after VIFT is finished in November.  We can actually make herd — the difference in work between 1 and several more is not that large.  It all takes time.

We wanted the labyrinth to look great and it does.  Next weekend there is a celebration of the solstice at the Alta Vista Gardens.   I’ll be working at the labyrinth entrance from 2:30 to 4:00 pm.   They put in a new lawn by a pagoda for this event.  There will be at least three different musical groups playing, yoga, and what promises to be a huge labyrinth walk at the end of the evening.  Sounds like fun; I’m looking forward to this event.  All in celebration of the solstice. Lots of great stuff happening, check out the link if you want to see what the events are.

Spent some time today working on VIFT.  Mr. Ewell tells me there are bands registered who do not have any supporting documentation.  I’ve checked with the treasurer to see if there is a record of these checks getting deposited.  If yes, then I’m going to have to write to a couple of schools and get information.  Will let you know.  We decided to create a new position this year — pre vift work.  Actually Leslie Casie, the vift volunteer coordinator, had some other great title.  Basically the job is doing the paper work (programs, forms, announcements, badges, directors packages, and lots of other stuff).  Great job for someone who can’t work at that tournament.  Guess I have to start working on all the permits and things.  Yuck.  But I did sign up for this task voluntarily so have to do the work.  And it’s interesting learning how to run a project.  Am putting it in my resume as a job skill — title is VIFT DIRECTOR; job is program management to throw a party for over 10,000 people with 1000+ performers, using only volunteers.  Hard work.

Did get to do some good stuff this afternoon.  Worked on my paper mache having finished the homework yesterday from art class.  Decided I do NOT like tempura paints for my artwork.  The quality is too cheap and I am not satisfied with the colors.  So bought some spray paint and started finishing projects with the first coat of paint.  Got a vase, a picture frame, a southwest box, and the rome box almost finished.  Repainted the dragon cat for the third time. This is it, that cat will get finished good or bad and I’m afraid the bad wins.

Well I’m tired and need to start getting stuff ready for tomorrow.  I’m planning on riding my bike to work.  Lots of fun; but time consuming.  And I need to get things ready — clothes for work; empty the back pack; check the bike lights, and find the bike lock.  Although if i left it behind, could save a pound by simply putting the bike into my cubicle. Has a certain appeal.

Liz– haven’t talked with you in weeks.  Hope all is going well with you.  How did the career fair go?  How are your classes?  Are you cooking your meals or getting them from the cafeteria?  Lots of questions.  Pop me an email sometime when you get a chance.

Maggie — update that blog; I’m eagerly waiting details on your canoe trip.

Let the blog wars begin

Ok, Maggie was first.  She started a blog about her life as an intern in the forests of MN near Ely.  Its sounds like so much fun although the work is very hard.  That inspired me to start a blog, something I’ve been thinking about doing for the last year. After all, turning 50 was great. I’ve been enjoying exploring different aspects of my life and my creative skills.  Now Bob is trying to cause trouble by encouraging us to have a blog war.  I don’t think so, just being able to keep a blog going is going to be hard enough. But since I’m enjoying a chance to live vicariously through Maggie’s posts of life as an intern up in the woods of MN near Ely, I’ll try to give her and the rest of you a chance to hear about my life and thoughts.

Since both Bob and I have been feeling a bit under the weather, we’ve been doing little on this beautiful holiday weekend. As long as I don’t move much and don’t eat, everything is fine.  Lots of Perrier — bottles and bottles of the stuff — help as well.  Of course it’s not environmentally sound to drink this, with small plastic bottles sent from France, but I’m going to be bad.  Perhaps I’ll make another chess set from the bottles.  Speaking of the chess set (my first sold piece of art); found some pictures yesterday when I downloaded the camera images.  Below is a good picture of the pieces.  And I’ll include the written description for your amusement below.

Hannibal’s Army Chess Set


Hannibal and Elephants Chess Set

         Set up a chess arena in your own home.  Extra large chess pieces revisit the days of Hannibal and his elephants.  Thrill to advancing armies as elephants, bishops, and warrior knights crush pawns to capture the king and queen of the Roman Empire.  Can be enjoyed in the luxury of your living room or even outside for a more authentic experience.

Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca, lived between 247 and 183 BC.  He was Punic Carthaginian military commander who fought against the Roman Empire.    Known as a brilliant tactician; Hannibal marched armies with war elephants from Iberia over the Alps and into Italy where he conquered and ruled for over 15 years.  Considered the greatest tactician in European History by men such as Napoleon Bonaparte, he had many victories against the Roman Empire.  Eventually betrayed, Hannibal committed suicide rather than submit to the Romans.

This oversized chess set is a unique art piece.  A one of a kind set, the pieces were created by hand using Perrier Bottles and Paper Mache.  It is painted in Black, White, and Red; classical chess colors that are also Vista High School Colors.  The chessboard, crafted from the highest quality canvas and ribbon, can be used for many purposes including chess, picnics, and a cover at VHS Football Games.